Copyright 2005 ROK Hrastnik it comes to new Internet marketing opportunities for your business, RSS just might be the answer that you looking for. Here are just a few of the new opportunities that ? can offer it
1. PODCASTING and VIDEO records
Podcasting (provision of Internet audio content) and video recordings (delivering Internet video content) you can communicate via rich-media messages make not only your content more attractive and more efficiently, but also a personal ?conversation? activate with your audience.
Up to know, the Internet was predominantly a textual channel. Add audio and video to the mix, delivering both via RSS, goes beyond the basic functionality of ?traditional? Internet content delivery channels. Rich media personalizes the Internet experience and gives your company a distinguishable face, while at the same time, media outlet, see you to convey your message so that it is easier to understand and feel. Think--> provision of press releases in audio or video...--> Send your customers a personal video message from the CEO
--> Audio interviews to expand your reach and do more content to your visitors
--> Provision of video demonstrations of your products
--> To show video and audio, as your customers and readers can easily solve different issues which help you with them
--> Delivering important messages to your readers, customers and business partners on a more personal audio experience, rather than impersonal e-mail communications
--> And so on... In addition, based on podcasting and video recordings for new business models that give you the opportunity to expand your product base to these formats with higher perceived value. Customer education & support as also improves because you key product use points about online video ? provision of customer-support content in a format that can prove everything just the to want to give your customers can now prove. 2. High frequency CONTENT UPDATES high frequency content updates on a daily or hourly basis, are now finally possible with RSS. No. more need to keep important messages, messages and other content for a week or even a month in your e-zine-with RSS you can be updated as often as your content as you want / need, and your subscribers will not, however. 3. APPCASTING Appcasting goes one step further, give you the opportunity, provide critical software updates and patches for your existing customers without to your Web site every week to visit, to determine whether an urgent update is needed already available or not. 4. Free PRODUCT NEWS, and UPDATESproduct news, releases and updates are now finally possible to consume way. With RSS, you can offer your customers or prospective customers with easily create their own Feeds? ?product by that they be notified immediately when new products that match their interests exactly are available. Once your portfolio changes, it takes the content in the RSS feeds, which have subscribed to your customers. Just look at any of these ways...--> the search tool a frequently used, save in larger Web, give your visitors an easy way to find the products that they are interested in. But the same results can be delivered via RSS. Imagine your customers doing a search for your product categories, and then get a link to the RSS feed for this very same search result to find out immediately if a new product matching his published or available for order is.
--> This works for complex searches as well as. If your customers that are custom particular to certain product categories, but only in one search price area, you can deliver the same results to them via RSS, but with a small twist ?, as soon as a new product matching starts its terms and conditions, including the desired price, they will be notified immediately via RSS. No need to the again from visiting your site, do the time-consuming search; the release comes directly to them.
--> Course, the same approach that many are already using for E-mail alerts can be used for RSS. Give your visitors a simple form, with which they give their criteria and then access give up them RSS feed she brought exactly on product updates their criteria are based. Why not just use E-mail? Since no one really wants more E-mail messages in their inboxes, and nobody wants to give away their personal information while RSS anonymous is, requires an E-mail address and is read if the customer decides that he has the time.5. Personalized CONTENT SERVICESpersonalized/customized database listings are very similar to product updates, but refer your visitors to complex information that you provide as such as ?--> job listings
--> Dating
--> Real estate
--> Etc. using RSS, your visitors can decide exactly what kind of ?content? (in this case a single content element may be a new job listing) they are looking for and then, that the content directly to them on their own personalized RSS feed supplied. And yet, all these are just a few examples for, what you, can do with RSS. The possibilities for new content delivery & development business models are pretty endless.For example, some companies are already the possibility their visitors, to track your FedEx, UPS and other packages through RSS feeds. Still other new services create RSS feed to your mobile phone by SMS key information from a, which get (such as getting an SMS informing you that new jobs match your is available). Again, you can track other sites if you need your material library return, and even when your holds are ready and when they are in the process, which run all this with RSS. All new business opportunities with RSS made possible, and each of them in a way improves lives of end-users, without a larger burden (more E-mail messages) on it.
About the author:
ROK Hrastnik is the author of ?Unleash the marketing & publishing power of RSS?, as the best and most comprehensive guide on marketing with RSS RSS industry leaders, experts, developers and top marketers celebrated. You will find everything, what you know about RSS and how to use it, to your content delivered, win again provide your customers, more sales and boost search engine rankings must