
Law field and legal RSS feeds

Lawyers have never known as a technical bunch, but more and more often you see a lawyer with a Palm pilot, appointments and a BlackBerry for those urgent messages. Electronic devices are now common in the Court building in the United States. Lawyers have increased productivity through the use of technology, so there should be no surprise that lawyers, RSS use - as media of feeds to increase and manage their practices. Lawyers use RSS feeds a number of different ways to increase the efficiency and productivity. RSS-feed sharing in the legal field include: 1. ego feeds
First and foremost is lawyers want to know what is being said about their company. It's easy enough to monitor search engines and news searches with RSS. Lawyers create what is known as "Ego-searching". Keyword searches are essentially (the company or the lawyer's name is the keyword). Each time the keyword appears in the news articles or search engine, that a new item in the feed will be displayed. Lawyers can click through and view the source of reference. 2. Current events
Similar to ego feeds, lawyers use RSS current events to track, which are cases in which she are involved. This could include monitoring specific news agencies or topics. Ego search tools - http://www.rss-tools.com/ego-search-feeds.htm 3. PR firm
Is there a better way, to give it than sending a press release large case won? This version should of course also appear in an RSS feed.to help of the distribution and the press release reach. RSS can be also used by large companies, to announce press conferences in the climax of the Cabinet. Law.com - http://www.law.com/service/rss.shtml 4. legal proceedings
RSS can be used to monitor pending court cases and decisions, which to a certain segment of the law. RSSGov - http://www.rssgov.com/archives/000036.html 5. Pending legislation
Lawyers can RSS to monitor legislation that relates to specific cases or topics. Lobbyists can monitor votes of politicians and follow their positions on important issues.GovTrack - http://www.govtrack.us/ 6. client news
Ego feeds will also be used to monitor the word on the street about a client. Whether the client is facing a criminal trial or a civil case, a trial version can affect no doubt by the press. Monitoring the press for mentions help lawyers prepare for the best possible defense or prosecution. Ego-searching - http://www.feedforall.com/ego-searches.htm 7. legal Calenders
Industry events can follow using RSS feeds. Legal conferences and events can be traced on public RSS Calenders. Law school calender - http://www.law.uoregon.edu/cal/events/index.php?com=rss 8. parts research tools
Lawyers can use social bookmarking tools and RSS feeds to share Web research resources with colleagues. This may reduce the time spent researching problems.

del.icio.US - http://del.icio.us

9. Legal employment
Job RSS feeds grow in popularity in all sectors. Lawyers looking for employment openings can subscribe to RSS feeds and learn about new employment opportunities, as soon as they are available. 4 Legal jobs - http://www.4legaljobs.com/show_content.php?id=1144741774 10. Court judgments
Now, many courts publish court decisions in RSS feeds to expose the general public. Court decisions - http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/subscribe.html 11. Court of appeals
Also RSS feeds, to interested parties follow courts of appeals decisions from the Court of appeals can monitor. US courts - http://www.ca7.uscourts.gov/fdocs/docs.fwx?submit=rss_ops 12. legal organizations
American Bar Association has explained a RSS feed and podcast, the litigation. Lawyers can RSS feeds relating to industry information to stay. American Bar Association - http://www.abanet.org/litigation/litigationfeed.xml 13 continuing education
Many legal courses have podcasts available and interested in expanding their training on a specific segment of the law, lawyers can listen to audio podcasts or subscribe to video podcast lectures. Education feeds - http://www.educational-feeds.com 14. legal blogs
Many lawyers have through their practices set up a blog provides enhanced legal counsel. Often be syndicated the content of the blog with RSS feeds. Law professors - http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/antitrustprof_blog/ take 15. cease and distance
There is even an RSS feed, the cease and desist letters contains. When to cease and to refrain comment letters added, clinical law students can them with questions and answers on.Chilling effects - http://www.chillingeffects.org/index.xml lawyers have begun to stay ahead and to the needs of their customers to adapt with RSS. Members of the bar use RSS in very specific ways. RSS is more than just a communication medium to lawyers, it helps them to filter information that is relevant to their practice and request load. Through RSS, they can access to get to relevant information in a timely manner. About the author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll-http://www.feedforall.com-Software to create, edit, publish RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition, Sharon marketing for RecordForAll manages http://www.recordforall.com audio recording and editing software.

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