
5 Reasons why your website is required to publish a news, feed

5 Reasons why your website is required to publish a news, feed
Copyright 2004 Tinu AbayomiPaul

It seems like everyone over RSS feeds speaks. They?ve for years, but the buzz is about them, as the technology continues to go mainstream. Some people are reportedly abandoning their browsers and view on the Web through their readers - but they hardly represent the public yet.

So do you need your Web site?

This question is something like asking if your site needs a newsletter. Sure, the Won?t fall morning sky, if you get Don?t today, but once you realize the benefits of one news-feed for your website, and try it for yourself, you can become an addict like the rest of us.

Reason # 1: more free traffic to your site

I?m not exaggerate when I say that a frequently updated feed large amounts of traffic can bring you in a short time. These Won?t are forever true.

Here?s a snapshot in PDF-format, open only the feed originating traffic to a new page of my site for the first 24 hours. http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/2-RSS-Marketing/Screenshot.PDF

Not exactly a stampede, but Here?s the good part. On the fourth day of the feed, traffic doubled and at the same rate increasing further all other traffic. My fifth has actively feed of twenty, I have distributed over four sites, and I get similar results each time. In thirty days, which would be at least 5,000 new targeted visitors - again, this is not my present traffic, or those, try my feed and include subscribed remain, nor does it factor is what happens when traffic again doubled.

I promise you Can?t exactly the same results, no one can. But you should know that my feed is designed on a crowed market - if you know how to apply your feed properly and correctly your keyword research, could better results.

The visitors of the first hour of traffic to this day, was only due to submitting my feed to the list of directories that I compiled from many sources and studied. Some new RSS feeds bring big free traffic, some are better once your feed has matured.

You can get often better placement in the feed directories and the Yahoo?s RSS directory as you and from this a regular search engine could be, and often, recording immediately.

Reason # 2: It?s a hands-off way to update your audience

What is, if you are running, without the hassles of maintaining your list remove undeliverable addresses, finding new subscribers, formatting of the content you find, change your content from the black list is set, and keep after all, questions that, if all different Blocker accidentally your message held by always by your newsletter?

If this sounds like the sky, you can be as soon as one an hour from now of the angels.

If you add your current newsletter with more frequent updates by feed, you will be able to push out updates to subscribers to your news channel or feed more often and more efficient.

All new free tools available also if all You?re when it comes to a thumb Web page, you can fill out a form, you can create a feed.

Reason # 3: get visitors to click on your site if you are upgrading

If you used Haven?t from a feed reader, may site and why it can result in an increase in traffic confuses you about the link between the feed and your. I?ll try to explain this to you in words, but I suggest a news aggregator (also known as feed readers) download and look at the results of your favorite Site?s by a reader feed after you this for the full effectiveness of reading...

You can view my main feed here, if you have a Don?t: http://feeds.feedburner.com/FreeTrafficTips

If you have Don?t another application during You?re want to surf, try you pick, you can use for more than just the feeds that they rise to the http://freetrafficdirectory.com/pluck - it takes integrated right to the download page with Internet Explorer - a free application.

Change your page you can include your RSS headlines console from my Yahoo! to do this, still in the beta test for http://my.yahoo.com.

To sum up, a visitor sees the headlines that they want to read, see the summary, and click to your site, read the rest of the messages in a new window or without the leave they are by.

And if you upgrade again, the readers notify them that you have new headlines and/or the list populating the items you have available. This can be your audience come back to keep.

If you'd bother to come to this page for a one minute tutorial: http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/members/postt95.html reason

Reason # 4: Recycle old content.

Have you a list of your older articles, some older product reviews, website suggestions, or archived newsletters, to build the content to populate your feeds with information. As long as this post is still relevant, you can reuse this content, attract new visitors.

Reason as simple It?s crazy not to do his # 5:.

Before the last months there Weren?t so many free tools online that start the process and public relations for a feed as effective and user friendly. The bottom line you get is by filling out forms, save the file to your server, to promote it, and crazy not to do upload update this from time to time of It?s, well, since these services. Already you have updated your website from time to time. You can use all the benefits of having to achieve one news-feed.

About the author:
Tinu? Currently wanted by secret stripped of America for free traffic spill tips: http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/blog

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Understanding fair use and RSS

As the Internet matures, users fight and manage Government to to controversial issues. Face allows to not exist on the Internet, if the U.S. copyright laws were written; We should not forget, while many countries respect copyright laws, the Internet is global without a governing body. There are not only different laws, rules and regulations, but also questions of jurisdiction. RSS was not, either written as copyright laws. While ardent supporter that all content in a feed be syndicated can believe, claiming other editors as passionate, that original works only, dass-- are original works, and protected by copyright laws in many countries. Much of the Internet is new territory. There are no individual agencies, has complete control over content or censorship, and it is unlikely that it ever a recognised body which regulates and, the terms and conditions the online world to govern. At this point that have position of Web hosts and company domain dictate which laws are complied with. In other words, if a company in the United States or UK is a copyright violating and is their host in the United States or UK, it simply to enforce the copyright laws in the event of a breach and the website content is dragged. If the site on a server in a region which do not recognize or acknowledge the rights of a copyright holder, are less likely to cooperate in removing infringing content the Web host. Regardless of whether you manage an RSS feed or syndicate of existing feeds, it is a good idea with what constitutes fair use under copyright laws familiar make. Fair-use can be reproduced or parts written the copy material newly published, without the consent or permission from the copyright holder. Crucial protection can be very complex. Fair-use is often controversial, and it is difficult to understand for legal scholars, and even harder to decipher for publishers. Determine when the fair-use, there are some questions to determine whether an infringement has occurred. The questions that you should have questions: the work is protected?
How much material is copied?
What is the nature of the work that was copied?
The individual reproduction of the work is benefit?
How was hit the original works by copy?When you try to determine the protection of copyright, it is important to remember that the US copyright law does not require, a communication in order for creative works protected. The fact that the work is unique and "is created" is enough to ensure protection. It is not surprising to have creative work, a higher level of complexity include a higher level of protection. The fair use doctrine is part of US copyright law and allows for publishers to integrate some copyrighted material in works without the express permission of the copyright holder. Resources on copyright:
Copyright debate: http://www.small-business-software.net/the-copyright-debate.htm
Copyright: http://www.copyright.gov/Keep in mind, the fair use on the belief is that the general public and the media are entitled to use portions of copyrighted material. The fair-use extends to comment on the creative works, criticism of creative work or the creation of a parody involving copyrighted materials. Understand the Absichts, the copyright laws help publishers interpret. About the author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll-http://www.feedforall.com-Software to create, edit, publish RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition, Sharon marketing for annotation page http://www.notepage.net maintained a wireless text messaging software company.

RSS feed creation tool for webmasters and content providers!

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7 Steps to promoting your RSS feeds on your site

7 Steps to promoting your RSS feeds on your site
Copyright 2005 ROK Hrastnik

RSS is 100% of your content delivered, but It?s not good, if no one subscribes to your feeds. So your first agenda to plan and create your feeds to your visitors they are promoting. The only problem is that most Internet users know still Don?t what is RSS, so that you your work cut out for. But with the following you have Shouldn?t system problems. Actually you should reach the implementation of this system out there better results than most publishers. 1. How RSS FEEDS are typically HERAUFGESTUFT RSS feeds are generally with the orange XML or RSS buttons promoted, and often also with buttons that enable visitors directly to the feed using your RSS reader subscribe to. Usually the visitor sees when clicking on the RSS button, only many confusing XML code. You must in fact copy & paste the link to their RSS reader. But as most know what RSS is still Don?t this approach will only waste potential subscribers. To achieve success, the You?ll have a different approach. [A] create a RSS presentation page where you explain:
-What is RSS - how the visitors benefit from with RSS - where you can a free RSS aggregator (recommend even!) - how they can install it (step-by-step instructions included) - how they can subscribe to your RSS feeds-, why they should own RSS feed Subscribe to then, on this same, include links to all your RSS feeds. In addition to the standard orange RSS button also include direct links for subscriptions of MyYahoo! (here it http://my.yahoo.com/s/button.html) and other relevant services, such as Bloglines (http://www.bloglines.com). There are about 5 RSS reader that covers these buttons. [B] now you promote this RSS presentation page as much as you can with all your available channels. 2. Location and CONTENT It?s all about location, such as with the subscription box for your e-zine. When they see it, Don?t to subscribe Won?t. And if you Don?t it enough to check it out, They?ll only motivate ignore. [A] promote your RSS feeds directly in your e-zine subscription box, and always ?above the Fold?. Promote your RSS presentation page (tell your visitors That?s, where can they subscribe to your feeds) on the most famous places of your site. You promote each of them subject of [B] If You?re preferred publication more than a RSS feed, but rather focused on a few, in addition to their topics. For example, when You?re publish RSS-feed on E-mail marketing, promote the one RSS feed at the top of the topic home page, and in any E-mail marketing articles that you publish. These links should actually directly link to the feed subscriptions. [Use of this service for all the important readers with only a simple button cover: http://www.methodize.org/quicksub/ C] promote your RSS in all your E-mail messages and e-zine issues feeds. [D] with regard to the content Don?t only ?Subscribe say get messages from my Site?, but rather prepare compelling copy to your visitors specifically to show why they need to subscribe to your content in the first place and why they subscribe should be especially on your RSS feeds. 3. Enable automatic detection

Some Internet browsers such as Firefox, make it easy for their users to subscribe to RSS feeds. The user of the browser if he wants to, Subscribe to the feeds, the browser on the site, will take on which the user currently is in demand.

Yes, this is still more powerful than your E-mail subscription form, because the browser into a kind of ?pushes? of the user with your RSS-feed subscriptions. But this to do with the browser, you need to help it to find your RSS feed. Only include the following piece of HTML code into theSection to set your Web pages and You?ll: there are too many more techniques and options available from ?direct Subscribe? links actually with opt-in forms, but these 7 steps should get you started in no time and you get help one achieve better visitors to RSS subscriber conversion rate as the large majority of the Web pages are today.

About the author:
ROK Hrastnik is the author of ?Unleash the marketing & publishing power of RSS?, as the best and most comprehensive guide on marketing with RSS RSS industry leaders, experts, developers and top marketers celebrated. You will find everything, what you know about RSS and how to use it, to your content delivered, win again provide your customers, more sales and boost search engine rankings http://rss.marketingstudies.net/index.html must

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How can you get a free enhanced listing in Yahoo with your RSS feed.

How can you get a free enhanced listing in Yahoo with your RSS feed.
Copyright 2004 Tinu AbayomiPaul

Last week, I cheated on my long-time lover of Google with my old friend of Yahoo. And since that day I have as, always a Bigamist. (Fully understand, what last this crazy drivel on my read your was RSS-feed in Yahoo listed article on how you within hours - in 5 easy steps here: http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/rssyahoo.)

Today I decided to go ahead and pluck the law - Yahoo is my new another man.

What I'm talking about, and what that means for your website?

When I first discovered that you so quickly could get directory in Yahoo?s RSS feed, I began to make a lot of observations about their site. The first thing I noticed is that your search page are some subtle changes. On the same day, I noticed that certain sites have more information in their offered than others.

Try this search at Yahoo for example "get your RSS feed listed within hours", quotes and all.

Scroll through the results. Note for search results in point 7 - www.marketingproductreview.com and number 8 www.searchenginejournal.com - link for a user add your feed from the search results is right on the page.

If you're an RSS user, you get the power of this already.

Just in case, that you're not, lemme spell it for ya.... Thanks to Yahoo, people have even not to your site you have added to their Yahoo page have to you the correct meta tag into your Web site header.

And if they use Don?t my track Yahoo page to their feeds? They?ve been kind enough to connect to your XML-link also include.

How do I know that this works?

Another do search for traffic - without the quotes must this time freely. Scroll result down to the search number four - see 1 with the feed links? That?s of my website. Not only was this work, apparently takes only a few days from your feed file. I have this simple code on my site header on 6 July. I an other traffic noticed my site on the, and make sure I Couldn?t increase do figure it out what led me to check the listings in Yahoo, that traffic had sent me.

How do I this? I added a simple meta tag called RSS auto discovery on my site. IT?s very easy to use. It looks Here?s:
< !--="" rss="" autodiscovery="" --="">
{link rel = "alternate" type = "application/RSS + XML" title = "Rss" "href="http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/members/backend.php"/}
Just replace you to my RSS feed link with your own, and add the tag with your Web site header.

About the author:
Tinu? Usually a upcoming woman, their intellectual disabilities free traffic prevented you tell the * most * important thing about the RSS auto-Disovery day. http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/yes2yahoo

RSS feed creation tool for webmasters and content providers!

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Blogs RSS does not equal to.

It is difficult, a conversation about technology these days, bringing not RSS with it. In the Internet age, communication should be immediate. RSS offers instant real-time distribution in an on-demand world.
What is RSS?
RSS is a standard format for syndication information or content over the Internet. As soon as a visitor, RSS-feed Subscribe one, they get the new information each time, when the feed is updated.
RSS email not equal to
RSS is not email, nor will it as a replacement for e-Mail. RSS is a complementary communication channel that can be used to provide content. Email newsletters were a growing problem with spam. Email open rates have decreased strongly, filter systems have become increasingly complex and with the complexity and volume even "approved" messages not in the position were to get through.
RSS feeds are opt - in, and in most cases subscribers need to subscribe to any personal information ready. RSS is simply an alternative method to communicate with your audience.
Use RSS to supplement e-Mail. RSS technology is a great addition to e-Mail communication, it allows you to avoid spam filters and a new audience, smart, Subscribe to the personal information is most definitely reach.
RSS does not have the problems that are connected to e-Mail Marketing. Email filter that prevents not the message passes through. RSS has no cost associated with the list maintenance. With RSS the sender is known, compliance with CAN-SPAM Act is not a problem. RSS is 100% opt-in, there is no worries the wrong addressed e-Mail or customers who receive the information due to spam.
RSS and e-Mail are not each other. Although it is true that there are not that significant benefits for RSS, e-Mail communications are connected. RSS is still not a turning point. Therefore it is advisable to offer RSS and email options customers.
Blogs RSS does not equal to.
Many of them assume that RSS is only for syndication of content of the blog could be further nothing from the truth. Blogs and online journals have shot popularity in recent years, and many bloggers with RSS as a means to distribute and publish your blog posts. Subscribers receive information every time, when the blog is updated. However, this is not the only use for RSS. RSS can deliver any kind of content, including posts in the Forum, discount coupons, newsletter or press releases. Blogs are just a kind of information from RSS feeds syndicated.
Blogs with RSS be syndicated can, but do not assume that the content is found in an RSS feed of a blog.
How is podcasting related to RSS?
Podcasts are simply RSS feeds that contain audio content in the housing field. Last year has that contain term podcast on RSS feeds containing the videos and audio files. Podcasts using the RSS specification to deliver the rich media. In the short time, around the RSS have been many false for a surprisingly simple concept were formed. RSS is simply a standard for syndication information (any type of information) on the Web. The user decide RSS feed to subscribe to the information in one. About the author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll-http://www.feedforall.com-Software to create, edit, publish RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition, Sharon marketing for annotation page http://www.notepage.net maintained a wireless text messaging software company.

RSS feed creation tool for webmasters and content providers!

RSS submit
Automate your RSS template. Enter your feeds automatically!

Display RSS to html script RSS on a website.

Audio recording software
Record and edit audio files with software.

Blog feed

Article feed

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Locate jobs with RSS feeds

Locate jobs with RSS feeds In addition to the fact I looking for a job, there are also other valid reasons to monitor the labour market. Perhaps you are satisfied in your current position, but want to keep only keep an eye on new positions in a specific sector. Maybe you're just curious to know what are the salaries for similar positions. The labour market can be easily monitored with RSS feeds. You can subscribe to RSS feeds, company-specific job opportunities to find employment in a given region (that is, using a postal account or zip code), to find specific positions available, or to all orders within a particular reward. The following are Web sites that, have RSS feeds to help people looking for jobs... JobDig JobDig is an employment-oriented media company, which helps companies of all sizes in all industries, reduce costs and improve the effectiveness of their recruitment and recruitment advertising. JobDig includes rent also weekly article by best selling authors issues such as ways to get and recognize your employees. JobDig are listed by the industry and for site job feeds. Subscribe to the RSS feeds and notification, if new jobs are posted. JobDig - http://www.jobdig.com/rss.phpCareerOneCareerOne job hunters can websites by newspaper, recruiter, industry, employer or geographic location search, and add keywords, the search even more goals. You can search your Web site to save a position and the results in a RSS feed. If new jobs are announced that match your search criteria, the feed are automatically updated in your RSS reader. CareerOne still on the Hunter, editorial page job offer much information, help with the research of the employers, industries and roles as well as the fight against every step of the process of job-Jagd.CareerOne - http://www.careerone.com.auCraigslistjob search results are available via RSS. Create a search query and subscribe the feed, which is created from. The URL for the feed can be found in the lower right corner after the search is performed. Craigslist - http://www.craigslist.com UKlug UKlug searches 62 international job websites and contains more than 500,000 jobs in its database. The job search results can be stored one RSS feed as.UKlug - http://www.uklug.co.uk/ InfoOil careeryour job RSS feeds subscribe to the jobs in the oil and gas industry have delivered directly to your desktop, as they are made available on the website.InfoOil careers - http://www.infooil.com/jobseekers/rssfeeds.aspx CareerMatrix CareerMatrix provides support for employers in the never-ending quest for quality candidates, and helps job seekers in their quest to find the perfect job. CareerMatrix is not a personnel agency, but rather a completely free resource for job seekers and jobs has categories of RSS feeds available. CareerMatrix - http://www.careermatrix.com/rssfeeds.asp Hospital of jobsOnLine monitor jobs in the healthcare industry available. Hospital jobs OnLine specializes in health and medical jobs for available on the Internet. The health care, hospital and medical job board health professionals and medical job seekers with hospital, Healthcare Hospital jobs online equivalent and medical facilities, companies, staffing, travel companies and recruiters!Hospital jobs online - http://www.hospitaljobsonline.com/RssFeedList.aspxJobs.ac.uk a job site based in England, with career in academic, research, science and related professions focus. RSS feeds are for job categories available. jobs. ac uk - http://www.jobs.ac.uk/rss/disc/job serviceemployer job of first connection with valuable target groups of active and passive candidates through a series of services to employers and recruiting teams of all sizes used. RSS feeds are available. Job of first - http://www.jobster.com/find/US/jobs/for/rssin factindeed is a search engine for jobs with a radically different approach to job-search. In fact in a simple search job seekers free access to millions of employment opportunities from thousands of Web sites. In fact, contains all the job listings from major job boards, newspapers, associations, company career pages and new sites are added daily. You can save your job search as a job warning E-mail or as an RSS feed. Choose one or both have new jobs your criteria set automatically to you delivered. In fact - http://www.indeed.com, take an active approach to monitoring the employment industry and employment opportunities through the use of RSS feeds and alerts. About the author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll-http://www.feedforall.com-Software to create, edit, publish RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition, Sharon marketing for RecordForAll manages http://www.recordforall.com audio recording and editing software.

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13 Tips to maintaining and growing a feed subscriber base

13 Tips to maintaining and growing a feed subscriber base
By Sharon Housley

You have one RSS feed and you have worked hard to the floor. According to your logs, you have subscribers! Now the hard part: how that your RSS feed subscribers to keep. Follow these simple steps, to ensure that your customer base is growing.1. Original content
A consistent stream of original content will do well to earn subscribers loyalty. The best RSS feeds provide content, the compelling and unique. Looking for a unique angle rehash existing content, or not turn you'd like to cover something that is hot in the blogosphere. 2. Quality over frequency
A quality of posts is far more important than a post frequency. Readers will include the rambling or nonsensical posts of the tire, that does not have real value. Time is precious and there are many RSS feeds and blogs to keep readers provide quality rather than quantity. 3. Get it right
Syndication has the power to which cause damage; Misquoting or just one is waste can impact your reputation and perpetuate incorrect information. Be sure to check all of your RSS feed and blogs information prior to the book. 4. Read and write
Blog posts are not instant messages: you are using always correct grammar, correct spelling and punctuation. Their contributions are a reflection of your knowledge; Content presentation matters and affects as they appear. 5. Pinch
Do not constantly gripe, nobody likes a whiner. If you should to complain that it is not enough, point to problems you solve a proposal for improving or special features such as a problem to offer. 6. Balance
Title of the RSS feed items and headlines of blog posts should relate to the content of the actual post. There are through with information and not nothing worse than just tempting readers below. Use catchy titles but make sure follow it with related content. In your actual post enough information to make a balance strike available, without overwhelming readers.7. Focus
Regardless of your RSS-feeds focus stay on topic! Their feed or blog posts are usually revolve around a specific topic, not stray far or lose readers. If a specific topic is your RSS feed, you remain faithful to this topic. 8. Length matters
Not too long not too short, it's a difficult balance, but your post length is important! If a submission is to long you should break it up or partitioning it in easy to digest paragraphs or break into several posts. Post length should be consistent throughout your blog and feed. Not there too much vary you try. 9. Credibility
As a Publisher, appears as a credible source. Posting or reposting inaccurate information will reduce, if not nullify any credibility you have. Enter logon information, if you offer an opinion and be sure that any factual information is right in front of the book.10. Link
Included links to all related information in the field "Description" of your RSS feed, which is a good way, to supplement content. Outbound links often leads links back to your blog or your website. 11. Consistency
It is important, coherence, try not to vary too much in your daily posts. You stay true to the formula for content if it works. 12. Hear you your audience
Readers will often communicate what they want and what they don't like about your content. It is important that you remain in compliance with your subscribers like and don't like and make the appropriate accommodations. 13. Advertising
Stuff your RSS-feed with advertising. If you select to view in your RSS feed included you will ensure that a balance between display and high-quality Inhalten.Starten of a RSS-feed or is not difficult to attract readers, it is however difficult to retain to readers. By thresholds you some simple unwritten rules that you your subscribers will find basis. About the author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll-http://www.feedforall.com-Software to create, edit, publish RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition, Sharon marketing for RecordForAll manages http://www.recordforall.com audio recording and editing software.

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Realty and RSS feeds

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