5 Reasons why your website is required to publish a news, feed
Copyright 2004 Tinu AbayomiPaul
It seems like everyone over RSS feeds speaks. They?ve for years, but the buzz is about them, as the technology continues to go mainstream. Some people are reportedly abandoning their browsers and view on the Web through their readers - but they hardly represent the public yet.
So do you need your Web site?
This question is something like asking if your site needs a newsletter. Sure, the Won?t fall morning sky, if you get Don?t today, but once you realize the benefits of one news-feed for your website, and try it for yourself, you can become an addict like the rest of us.
Reason # 1: more free traffic to your site
I?m not exaggerate when I say that a frequently updated feed large amounts of traffic can bring you in a short time. These Won?t are forever true.
Here?s a snapshot in PDF-format, open only the feed originating traffic to a new page of my site for the first 24 hours. http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/2-RSS-Marketing/Screenshot.PDF
Not exactly a stampede, but Here?s the good part. On the fourth day of the feed, traffic doubled and at the same rate increasing further all other traffic. My fifth has actively feed of twenty, I have distributed over four sites, and I get similar results each time. In thirty days, which would be at least 5,000 new targeted visitors - again, this is not my present traffic, or those, try my feed and include subscribed remain, nor does it factor is what happens when traffic again doubled.
I promise you Can?t exactly the same results, no one can. But you should know that my feed is designed on a crowed market - if you know how to apply your feed properly and correctly your keyword research, could better results.
The visitors of the first hour of traffic to this day, was only due to submitting my feed to the list of directories that I compiled from many sources and studied. Some new RSS feeds bring big free traffic, some are better once your feed has matured.
You can get often better placement in the feed directories and the Yahoo?s RSS directory as you and from this a regular search engine could be, and often, recording immediately.
Reason # 2: It?s a hands-off way to update your audience
What is, if you are running, without the hassles of maintaining your list remove undeliverable addresses, finding new subscribers, formatting of the content you find, change your content from the black list is set, and keep after all, questions that, if all different Blocker accidentally your message held by always by your newsletter?
If this sounds like the sky, you can be as soon as one an hour from now of the angels.
If you add your current newsletter with more frequent updates by feed, you will be able to push out updates to subscribers to your news channel or feed more often and more efficient.
All new free tools available also if all You?re when it comes to a thumb Web page, you can fill out a form, you can create a feed.
Reason # 3: get visitors to click on your site if you are upgrading
If you used Haven?t from a feed reader, may site and why it can result in an increase in traffic confuses you about the link between the feed and your. I?ll try to explain this to you in words, but I suggest a news aggregator (also known as feed readers) download and look at the results of your favorite Site?s by a reader feed after you this for the full effectiveness of reading...
You can view my main feed here, if you have a Don?t: http://feeds.feedburner.com/FreeTrafficTips
If you have Don?t another application during You?re want to surf, try you pick, you can use for more than just the feeds that they rise to the http://freetrafficdirectory.com/pluck - it takes integrated right to the download page with Internet Explorer - a free application.
Change your page you can include your RSS headlines console from my Yahoo! to do this, still in the beta test for http://my.yahoo.com.
To sum up, a visitor sees the headlines that they want to read, see the summary, and click to your site, read the rest of the messages in a new window or without the leave they are by.
And if you upgrade again, the readers notify them that you have new headlines and/or the list populating the items you have available. This can be your audience come back to keep.
If you'd bother to come to this page for a one minute tutorial: http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/members/postt95.html reason
Reason # 4: Recycle old content.
Have you a list of your older articles, some older product reviews, website suggestions, or archived newsletters, to build the content to populate your feeds with information. As long as this post is still relevant, you can reuse this content, attract new visitors.
Reason as simple It?s crazy not to do his # 5:.
Before the last months there Weren?t so many free tools online that start the process and public relations for a feed as effective and user friendly. The bottom line you get is by filling out forms, save the file to your server, to promote it, and crazy not to do upload update this from time to time of It?s, well, since these services. Already you have updated your website from time to time. You can use all the benefits of having to achieve one news-feed.
About the author:
Tinu? Currently wanted by secret stripped of America for free traffic spill tips: http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/blog